

28 Nov 2023


  11月28日,由新加坡交易所(以下简称“新交所”)主办的SGX FX Derivatives 10th Year Anniversary宴会暨颁奖典礼于新加坡隆重举行,以表彰在过去一年在该领域表现出色的机构。磐石金融有限公司(以下简称“磐石金融”)凭借其卓越的业绩,荣获“SGX Most Active FX Derivatives Brokers Award”奖项。该奖项是对磐石金融在新交所外汇衍生品交易量上的杰出表现予以的高度认可。



14 Nov 2023



芝商所 · 磐石金融2023亚洲铜业周酒会

  11月14日,磐石金融和芝商所合办的2023 Asia Copper Week Cocktail Reception在上海柏悦酒店成功举办,并圆满落下帷幕。


  酒会上,芝商所亚太区董事总经理兼客户开发与销售主管Tim Smith先生和磐石金融有限公司首席执行官石成虎先生发表致辞。石成虎先生对所有嘉宾的莅临表示感谢,他在致辞中表示,“时隔四年,我们再度聚首,不问过往,但问未来”。行业未来的发展前景和潜力是无限的,我们在关注市场需求和趋势以及积极进行技术研发和创新的同时,无论未来如何变幻,行业和企业之间、东方和西方之间仍应一如既往以“诚心为帆”,实现“互利共赢”。





2023 亚洲铜晚宴



5 Sep 2023

John Browning先生应邀参与APPEC 2023炉边谈话环节

  2023年9月5日上午十点,磐石金融有限公司董事总经理John Browning先生受邀出席新加坡APPEC 2023会议,并于炉边谈话环节针对 “中俄是否推出以其为主导的替代贸易体系” 这一主题进行讨论。

  于上月落幕的2023年金砖国家峰会再次引发了围绕金砖国家共同货币取代美元的猜想,共同货币的出现是否能够打破美元主导下的国际货币体系再次成为热议话题。就此,John Browning先生在会上分享到,金砖五国中各国间重大的政治与经济差异,共同货币或将在短期内难以得到实现;而卢布体系受制于俄罗斯有限的经济规模及全球贸易中的市场份额,对于全球投资者的吸引力也不足。与此同时,中国致力于打造以人民币计价的交易及定价场所,增强人民币国际化服务实体经济的能力。今年3月,巴西宣布与中国达成协议,将人民币作为贸易结算货币,不再使用美元作为中间货币;中国外汇管理局数据显示,人民币在该国当月跨境交易中占比高达48%,首次超过美元,这正体现人民币在跨境支付、投融资、储备和计价等方面的国际货币功能在全面增强。



  磐石金融于2018年获批为上海国际能源交易中心、大连商品交易所以及郑州商品交易所首批海外中介机构,并于2020年11月获批为上海国际能源交易中心境外特殊经纪参与商。 磐石金融积极推进中国期货市场和人民币国际化,支持以人民币计价的国际化期货品种扩容,旨在为全球客户参与中国期货市场提供便捷、高效的交易渠道。
22 Aug 2023



16 Aug 2023

BANDS Makes it into the INE Top 20 Brokers List as First Overseas Echange Member

For the first time in the history of the Chinese futures market, an international futures broker made it into the top 20 of a Chinese domestic exchange's trading volume and open interest rankings!

BANDS Financial is an Overseas Special Broker Participant (OSBP) of the INE. As an OSBP, BANDS has its own seat in the exchange and participates in the electronic trading environment of the INE in its own name. The Chinese exchanges compile their turnover and open interest rankings each day and break the daily figures down by individual trading members. They then publish the top 20 brokers per contract each day and rank them.

To our pleasant surprise, the INE rankings have had BANDS appearing in this ranking for the last few weeks. Only incorporated in Hong Kong in 2015 and actively serving clients since early 2016, BANDS is an overseas broker in a pool of over 150 mainland firms, and we find ourselves ranked above 20 on some days. As the only overseas member active in this environment, BANDS is thus executing more trades than the majority of mainland brokers.

We are honoured to be in this position, serving clients from across the globe and providing trading access to all the major futures markets, both in China and internationally.
11 Aug 2023

China pushes to dominate trading in clean energy metals

Beijing aims to wrest benchmark contracts for minerals such as lithium carbonate away from the west

“China certainly wants to be a pricing power for all these markets,” said Tiger Shi, chief executive of Hong Kong-based broker Bands Financial. “It will take time, but that’s going to be the direction.”

“The most important thing, the first big step, is you need to grant access to global players to make your contract widely used as a pricing benchmark,” said Shi, at Bands. “And if possible, certainly a global warehousing and delivery system will help.”
22 Jun 2023

聚焦中欧 交流互鉴:磐石金融赴意大利参加第62届FARO Club主要会议

  2023年6月21至22日,磐石金融有限公司首席执行官石成虎先生应邀在意大利布雷西亚举行的第62届FARO Club主要会议上发言。石成虎先生从中国宏观经济形势出发,就金属市场前景以及中国商品市场国际化进行了分享,并和欧洲行业领袖们就欧洲金属产业最新发展趋势以及如何加强与中国企业的交流互鉴进行了热烈的讨论。

  三年来,新冠疫情限制了世界各国人民出行的步伐,但思想的碰撞与交流却从未停步。FARO Club密切关注金融及原材料市场发展,历届会议吸引一众行业优秀企业及国际知名经济学家和分析师参会。此次会议旨在于目前错综复杂的国际地缘政治环境下,打破距离和文化的桎梏,促进世界互联互通,并为来自全球的业内企业和专业人士提供交流的平台。

  磐石金融非常荣幸受邀参会,石成虎先生作为推动中国金属市场国际化的领军人物,见证了中国经济的腾飞及其对全球商品市场的重大影响力。在演讲中,他以中国过去40年的经济发展为起点,讲述疫情后中国经济面临的问题与挑战,及对金属行业的影响。 石成虎先生深入浅出地介绍境外投资者参与中国期货市场的机遇和挑战,作为积极推动人民币国际化的一部分,中国商品期货市场的开放将为全球范围内的市场参与者提供更多选择。 最后,他指出中国发展模式正处于结构性变革阶段,中国也正经历全球金属供应链环节中的角色转变,这将成为工业金属需求增长的持续动力,也将重塑全球金属市场的定价机制。
25 May 2023





15 May 2023

磐石香港晚宴 2023

16 Mar 2023

LME nickel stocks low, return to Asian trading hours unlikely to spur recovery

The LME trading costs are keeping potential nickel contract users out of the market, and have significantly reduced trading liquidity," Browning said, suggesting the LME "take more proactive steps to communicate how it has addressed past problems. How it will reduce the current excessive over-margination and how it will engage the market with how it plans to deal with a changing physical nickel market which is shifting to alternative grades."
11 Nov 2022


磐石金融联合创始人及董事总经理John Browning:绘制蓝图 开拓进取

1. 和中国市场的不解之缘
2. 创办磐石金融的契机
3. 磐石金融的中国策略
4. 选择在上海居住和工作的理由
5. 来中国定居后的特别感受
6. 每日市场解读:来自上海的一封信
7. 和INE合作的感受:肩负修复全球价格间不平衡的使命
8. 对潜在境外投资者的寄语 :制定中国战略的重要性
20 Sep 2022


由《期货与期权世界》(FOW)主办的“2022年度亚洲资本市场”颁奖典礼于新加坡举行。磐石金融有限公司(BANDS Financial Limited)脱颖而出,荣膺“年度最佳非银行期货经纪商” (Non-Bank FCM of the Year)殊荣。
《期货与期权世界》杂志是总部位于伦敦的全球投资者集团(Global Investor Group)旗下企业,作为全球期货、期权行业的知名刊物,举办此典礼旨在“表彰参与亚洲资本市场的公司和个人的卓越表现、创新及成就”。
12 Jul 2022


磐石金融 (BANDS Financial) 首席执行官石成虎先生将于7月12日与伦敦金属交易所(LME)首席执行官Matthew Chamberlain进行谈话,围绕全球大宗商品行业将如何应对疫情引发的持续中断、市场波动加剧和地缘政治紧张局势等热点作出深入讨论。
4 Apr 2022

Day drinking, 'Big Shot' and billions of dollars: How the nickel market imploded

"The LME was ill-informed as to the size of the positions in the market, and they didn't know it was all concentrated in one hand," said Browning. "The LME didn't know that there was one company sitting on the other side of this with a 150,000-ton short."
17 Mar 2022

Nickel crisis won't have 'contagion effect' on trading of other base metals: Financial services firm

John Browning of BANDS Financial discusses the London Metal Exchange's suspension of nickel trading and says it has created a "crisis of confidence" around it.
14 Dec 2021

INE & SMM Copper Webinar: Trading Opportunities & Future Outlook

John Browning, Managing Director of BANDS Financial, will explain how international investors can trade Chinese commodity futures in a webinar hosted by the Shanghai International Energy Exchange (INE) and Shanghai Metals Market (SMM). Join us at 16:00 (China, 08:00 UK) to learn more about the opportunities and outlook of the Chinese and international coper markets in 2021.
12 Oct 2021


16 Sep 2021

BI Briefing: Metals & Mining: China, Change, Challenge and Opportunity

China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is exploring a steel output limit mechanism to control carbon emissions, pollution and energy consumption. Meanwhile, China's State Reserve Bureau has announced plans to release reserves of key metals to cool down the market.
Join Bloomberg Intelligence, BANDS Financial and a panel of industry experts for a webinar, as they discuss how these new policies will impact the metals market and share their short- and long-term outlooks.
8-9 Sep 2021

FOW Asia - Commodities: An Inflation Hedge Amid Decarbonization?

Returning on 8-9 September 2021, FOW Asia is the premier event allowing you to gain insights into derivatives trading and investment in the Asia Pacific region. Join John Browning, managing director of BANDS Financial, on 8 September for a panel discussion on commodities, their price drivers and their role as investment tools in an inflationary environment amidst a global drive to reduce carbon emissions. Watch the recording below.
7 Sep 2021

Announcement: TT Completes Functionality for Chinese Futures Exchanges

TT has completed the development of their Autospreader and implemented the open/close tag functionality required for trading Chinese commodity futures. This makes TT the first trading platform outside of China to offer this feature and will allow their international user base to trade Chinese futures contracts such as crude oil, bonded copper and iron ore.
21 Jun 2021

China launches crude oil options open to foreign traders

China's fi rst energy options open to foreign traders made their Shanghai International EnergyExchange (INE) debut on Monday with the new crude oil contract achieving only muted volumes. "I do see keen market interest," said Tiger Shi, managing director of broker Bands Financial, pointing to potential arbitrage opportunities between exchanges.
15 Apr 2021

Webinar: Copper Market Update - Tracing the Global Economic Recovery Path and the Impact of Policy Change

BANDS Financial, Horizon Insights and the London Metal Exchange are coming together to provide a webinar on copper market dynamics for Chinese and international markets. We'll be discussing what's driving copper prices, the global economic recovery path and the impact of policy change on copper - as well as how international clients are accessing Chinese markets.
18 Mar 2021

China’s markets are shaking off their casino reputation

In a world where internet memes can explain market swings, China is second to none. Early in March, with mainland equities down by 15% in two weeks—their steepest fall in years—a video circulated on Weibo, a microblogging site, of a sheep stuck in a fence on a hill and a hiker climbing up to free it. The description of the video, in its meme incarnation, was “the national team comes to rescue me”. The national team is shorthand for big state firms that are believed to stabilise the market by buying shares when they plunge.
3 Mar 2021

Webinar: Trading the Chinese Commodity Markets, What, Why and How

Many investors are interested in arbitrage strategies combining the mainland commodity markets in Shanghai (INE), Dalian (DCE) and Zhengzhou (ZCE) with the SGX and other international marketplaces etc. Have you been looking at trading China, but have more questions than answers? Please join SGX and BANDS Financial for a webinar to discuss the What, Why and How.
27 Nov 2020

“Things have changed” in China – broker

China’s latest move to open up to foreign firms, the introduction of international copper and reports of a deal to deliver Chinese fuel oil in Singapore suggest “things have changed” in the world’s second largest economy, a Chinese based broker has said. John Browning, managing director of BANDS Financial, a broker based in Hong Kong, said in a note on Friday that China’s gradual process of opening up to the international trading and commodities community has stepped up in recent weeks.
23 Nov 2020

China's INE contract launch kicks off new era for global copper trade

After much anticipation and debate, the International Energy Exchange's bonded copper futures contract launched on Thursday November 19 to some fanfare and respectable volume. A total of 8,344 lots traded on the INE's 'BC' contract on Thursday, following up with another 4,893 on Friday, the majority for delivery in March.
19 Nov 2020

Shanghai copper set to be Asian benchmark - broker

Bands Financial, a commodity and financial futures broker based in Hong Kong, says it has seen huge interest in the Shanghai International Energy Exchange’s international copper futures contract on the first day of trading. “Interest in the contract has been huge. China is the largest consumer of copper, and access to the domestic Chinese copper market is in a sense access to the Chinese dynamic,” managing director John Browning told Global Investor after the close in Shanghai.
19 Nov 2020

China's new international copper futures slip on debut

China’s much anticipated bonded copper futures, which are open to overseas investors, fell more than 1% on their debut on Thursday, with trading volumes only reaching one-ninth those of the country’s established domestic copper contract.
18 Nov 2020

China aims for more sway over copper prices with futures launch

Shanghai is launching a challenge to London’s dominance in metals trading by issuing a new futures contract for copper that analysts say has the potential to become a global benchmark.
17 Nov 2020

China will roll out new copper futures in a bid to boost yuan adoption, pricing power

China will roll out a new copper futures contract this week that will be open to foreign traders, in a push to boost yuan adoption and wrest some pricing power away from the established industry benchmark in London.
17 Nov 2020

China's new copper futures add another card to global yuan deck

China will roll out a new copper futures contract this week that will be open to foreign traders, in a push to boost yuan adoption and wrest some pricing power away from the established industry benchmark in London.
16 Nov 2020

China Wants a Made-in-China Copper Price

The country’s latest international futures contract has timing and structure on its side. China’s next move to open up its commodities markets may be a step change.
5 Nov 2020

BANDS & INE Bonded Copper Webinar

In preparation for the launch of the new contract, the INE and BANDS Financial hosted a joint webinar in English specifically to deliver everything you need to know about how to access and trade Shanghai INE Bonded Copper. The presentation is aimed at those western traders who are interested in the opportunity to trade inside China, perhaps for the first time.
1 Apr 2020

Risk-hedging Chinese investors push commodities markets to record high trades

Trading activity on China’s commodities markets is skyrocketing as investors increasingly hedge risks, pushing open interest and trading volumes in the futures markets to record and multi-year highs in March following the coronavirus outbreak and volatile global commodity prices.
26 Feb 2019

China's Dalian exchange to allow foreign individuals to trade iron ore futures

China’s Dalian Commodity Exchange said on Tuesday it would allow individual foreign investors to trade iron ore futures on the bourse starting from Wednesday, widening access to the market in the world’s biggest consumer of the steelmaking raw material.
9 May 2017

Broker BANDS eyes China crude, iron ore potential

Hong Kong broker BANDS Financial is eyeing opportunities in iron ore and crude oil markets even as the outlook for base metals appears subdued for the rest of 2017, its senior executives said.
16 May 2016

Bands Financial sees opportunities as Chinese investors enter the futures market

Hong Kong-based brokerage firm Bands Financial, set up by John Browning and Tiger Shi, is on track to open its Shanghai office in the third quarter of 2016 as it sees tremendous interest in world markets from the mainland.